Page 8-----------The British Writers, Published in the U.K. Scotland and Wales & Ireland


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Florence Irwin. THE COOKIN' WOMAN. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1949. 229 pages. a vg/vg copy. with household advice and additions of recipes from other countries. With a section on MILK PUDDINGS. Irwin was a contributor to newspapers & journals. A very nice copy.   $150. 


- IRISH COUNTRY RECIPES. Belfast: The Horthern Whig, Ltd., [1937]  109 pages, early Irish recipes.T & M McKirdy stamp on the back pastdown. $150.


D. T. Vine. ICES: PLAIN AND DECORATED. HOW TO MAKE AND HOW TO SERVE. London: The British Baker and Confectioner, and Purveyor, n.d. ca.1898.  VIII chapters, with CLVIII recipes. A very good copy of a very scarce Vine title. 4 color plates, one full black & white. $475.


H. Gribbin. SUITABLE GOODS FOR HOT PLATES. RECIPES FOR MUFFINS, PIKELETS, CRUMPETS, SCONES, &c., &c. London: Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., n.d. [1900]. 52 pages + many pages of advertising of oven and flour producers & other products for the commercial baker.  $65.


A. B. Marshall. THE BOOK OF ICES. London: Simpkin, n.d. tenth edition. 73 pages. End pages decorated with full page advertising. 117 recipes for ice creams. 4 color plates of elaborate ice cream  designs, each with tissue guards. Several pages of decorative moulds,  as well as numerous in text illustrations of ice grinders, & freezers. In A. B. Marshall blue cloth covers with gilt titles. A nicely preserved copy.  $225.


Emile Herisse and C. Herman Senn. PASTRY-MAKING AND CONFECTIONERY. INCLUDING CAKES, BUNS, FANCY BISCUITS, SWEETMEATS, ICING AND PIPING, etc. London: Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., n.d. Bitting 225. 192 pages. More than 60 illustrations. 11 chapters. Dj. $150. 




George Read. THE COMPLETE BISCUIT AND GINGERBREAD BAKER'S ASSISTANT. London: Dear and Son, 1855. c1843. not in Bitting. 16mo. originally 3 plates, 2 are missing. p.11/12 missing with the introduction section, but carefully noted in small script by the owner. probably rebound, but worn with use and age. a bit musty, foxing. some pages repaired, but carefully done. a professional manual. completely devoted to the baker's craft. Chapters on hard biscuits, biscuits made with yeast, soft biscuits, pound cakes, sponge mixture, gingerbread and cakes, muffins and crumpets. scarce and delightful. $275.  


G.A. Jarrin. THE ITALIAN CONFECTIONER; OR, COMPLETE ECONOMY OF DESSERTS:CONTAINING THE ELEMENTS OF THE ART, ACCORDING TO THE MOST MODERN AND APPROVED PRACTICE. London: William H. Ainsworth, 1827. third edtion. 8vo. 276pp. 32 sections, On Sugar to Engraving on Wood. 556 numbered recipes. 19 figures,  with descriptions on 2 folding plates. light foxing in the beginning and end of the book, otherwise a bright, tight copy. in a new binding ¼ leather. with title page and frontis. There is a science to this art and Guglielmo Jarrin was the scientist. ‘Confectioner and Ornament Maker at Mr. Gunter’s. Thoroughly documented and written about in E. David’s Harvest of the Cold Months. $1100.



Mrs Isabella Beeton. THE BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. London: S.O. Beeton, 1861. 1st edition and 1 printing after the 24 issue serialized edition.  preface, general contents, errata, analytical index, engravings, coloured plates, decorative pastoral frontis  with a decorative title page, stating 18 Bouverie St. bound in 2 volumes. “The history of the Origin, Properties, and Uses of All Things Connected With Home Life and Comfort.”  1112 pages. This copy is in 2 volumes. $1200. 


S. Beaty - Pownall. THE "QUEEN" COOKERY BOOKS. London: Horace Cox. second and third printings of the series, dating from 1903-1906. grey waxed cloth with red and blue decorative front cover, title on spine and an advertisement on the back cover, in the original, flip lid CABINET QUEEN COOKERY BOOKS box 5 x 7 x 9". a very good box with design flaws (perhaps) for the cover- split end. $325.


Sacheverell Sitwell. TRUFFLE HUNT. London: Robert Hale Limited, 1953. short essays from The Sunday Times (London) not necessarily about food; some touching on the topic, though it is a nice title for a book. $75.


Georgina Countess of Dudley. A SECOND DUDLEY BOOK OF RECIPES. London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d. (1914) With 8 photogravures. Frontis of the author.  With a D.J. covers soups to beverages—a very good copy. $125.

Elsie Turner. FIFTY WAYS OF COOKING FISH. London: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co., Ltd, 1933. with the original glassine wrapper over the opalescent fish scale patterned boards. Good recipes. A perfect little copy. $200. 


M.S. Lovell. EDIBLE MOLLUSKS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND WITH RECIPES FOR COOKING THEM. London: Reeve & Co., 1867. pages not in Bitting; Vicaire. in NYPL; Hollis, 2nd. ed.; British Library; LOC. covering the snail, the cockle, the razor-shell, mussel, oyster, scallop, the ear-shell or sea-ear, the limpet, whelk, pullet, piddock, cuttle, the purple sea-urchin. with many recipes, historical as well included within each description of the animal. Bibliography, including more than 20 cookbook titles. 207 pages + 12 chromoliths + 24 pages of publisher advertising. interior crack at page 160-1. clean and bright, with beautiful illustrations and a bright gilt front cover. $450.


By Piscador. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE CHOICE AND COOKERY OF FISH. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1854. second edition. 291 pagescovering all sorts of sea edibles cods, carps, salmons, mackerels & herring types & many more spinous types. Salt fish, shelfish, cleaning and curing and many pages of recipes. 


W. R. Lord, R.A. CRAB, SHRIMP AND LOBSTER LORE. GATHERED AMONGST THE ROCKS AT THE SEA SHORE, BY THE RIVERSIDE, AND IN THE FOREST. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1867. A nature narrative of the species, where they are found, who would look for them, vivid descriptions of the underwater habitats.Illustrations of tools for collecting—also includes crayfish. Passing remarks that some are great food while others are not to be bothered with. Small red cloth with a gilt decorations, 118 pages + publishers advertising. Presumably it was a previous owners signature cut out with a scissor at the top of the title page, 1” x 4”. Book seller stamp of Lowenstein’s Corner Book Shop, N.Y. on front pastedown. Page toning and little bit of hinge wear and tear. Overall, bright and clean. $175.


Rev. Charles Williams. SILVERSHELL; OR, THE ADVENTURES OF AN OYSTER. London: Judd & Glass, 1857, c.1856. 184 +1 advertising page. A small quasi-academic study. Classified as a juvenile study. 19 engravings, 12 chapters covering how an oyster develops, the shell structure, the pearl oyster, a mature oyster, no recipes. A very clean, tightly bound copy. Small, 6 ¾ x 4 1/2”. green blind stamped cloth with a gilt front title and oyster design. $165.


Rev. C. David Badham, M.D. PROSE HALIEUTICS OR ANCIENT AND MODERN FISH TATTLE. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1854. an anthology— from descriptions of the ancient to the modern art, fish sauces (!) ancient of course, different species described, in depth description of physiology, in the market places, unusual traits of that species, in art. An incredible anthology of fish prattle. blue decorative stamped cloth with gilt title on spine. 552 pages. index includes such varied topics as Chaucer; eel; minnow; Naples Bay; Pliny; poisonious fish; Shad; Sophocles. footnotes. hinges reinforced. $150.


On the subject: of oysters:

THE OYSTER EPICURE. New York: White, Stokes, & Allen , 1883.  paper covers, 61 pages, chips at 4 corner snd some scuffing. an anthology of writings. quite scarce in the actual booklet format. $265.


Arnould Locard. LES HUITRES ET LES MOLLUSQUES COMESTIBLES MOULES, PRAIRES, CLOVISSE, ESCARGOTS, ETC. Paris: Librairie J.B. Bailliere et Fils, 1890. farming, taxonomy with 97 illustrations. scarce title. in French. in an early green cloth cover with ¼ leather, gilt decorative title on spine and a ribbon page marker. in very good, tight condition. Bitting 291.  $600.


John R. Philpots, L.R.C.P. & S. Edin., J.P., &c. OYSTERS AND ALL ABOUT THEM BEING A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE TITULAR SUBJECT, EXHAUSTIVE ON ALL POINTS OF NECESSARY AND CURIOUS INFORMATION FROM THE EARLIEST WRITERS TO THOSE OF THE PRESENT TIME, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS, FACTS, AND NOTES. London: John Richardson & Co., 1890-1891. With in depth research and observation on the subjects of: Ancient History, What is an Oyster, varieties of Oysters, Perils of the Oyster, How to Cook and Eat Oysters (with recipes) The Oyster and the Doctor, Oyster Culture in Germany, Italy, Holland, America, West Africa. England and France, Curiosities of Oysters, Oyster Fishery Legislation, Conservation of Beds, more. In 2 volumes, 1370 pages. 1st printing. In matching dark blue, with decorations and titles on the front and titles on the spine. In VG, no hinge cracking or repairs. $1500.




Jessie Conrad. A HANDBOOK OF COOKERY FOR A SMALL HOUSE. London: William Heinemann, ltd, 1923. 12mo. 135pp. preface by Joseph Conrad. a good tattersall patterned checked dust jacket over very good waxed linen hardcover. INSCRIBED BY JESSIE CONRAD and dated 1925. Conrad’s cookery book was simultaneously printed in New York by Doubleday, Page and Company. Leonard N. Beck in his book Two Loaf Givers devotes a page to Jessie with an illustration and some publishing gossip. $375.


Eliza Acton. THE PEOPLE'S BOOK OF MODERN COOKERY. WITH ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS ON COOKING FOR CHILDREN, COOKING FOR INVALIDS, AND THE DIGESTIBILITY OF DIFFERENT FOODS. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., n.d. ca. 1880's. 34th edition. 500 pages. black and white line illustrations, a frontis of sweet and savoury entremets. an all purpose cookbook, though vegetables lack attention and cooking recipes reflect that century. gilt decorations and title on the wide spine. tight, toned paper. $125.


William Cobbett. COTTAGE ECONOMY. London: Printed by the author, 1824. Practical advice for a small production by this famous farmer. see the wikipedia entry by clicking the author's name. Title page enlargement. $125.

Mrs. Glasse. THE ART OF COOKERY MADE PLAIN AND EASY; EXCELLING ANY THING OF THE KIND EVER YET PUBLISHED.CONTAINING DIRECTIONS FOR MARKET......MADE WINES, &c &c &c. London: For Ann Lemoine, White –Rose –Court, Coleman –Street And J. Roe, No.90, Houndsditch, 1802. ornamented with engravings, explaining the method used by the London butchers in cutting meat; with the names of the different joints; and a variety of cuts, shewing the art of TRUSSING AND CARVING. that being 3 engravings, the first is a folding frontis (repaired) the 2 others inserted within. marbled boards, half-binding. an OFF year, that is not in NYPL, LOC, Schlesinger. bright, clean copy. $450.

C. Anne Wilson. THE APPETITE AND THE EYE. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1991. 8vo. 162pp. A collection of papers contributed by Wilson, Peter Brears, Dena Attar and Lynette Hunter to the Leeds Symposium on Food History and Traditions. The subject is the Visual Aspects of Food and its Presentation Within their Historic Context [of the middle ages]- Wilson is a respected food historian whose research has been published by several University Presses as well as for Petit Propos Culinaires. an 'as new' copy. $30.

SECOND HELPING. NY: Frederick A. Stokes, n.d. later printing (1925 first edition) frontis by Laboureur. more simple recipes, or simply put recipes. 156 pages, with a dust jacket. $125.


X. Marcel. Boulestin. HERBS, SALADS AND SEASONINGS. London: William Heinemann, 1930. 8vo. 72pp.with illustrations by Cedric Morris. #25 of a limited edition of 75. signed by both Boulestin and Hill. green polished linen cloth covers, sunned spine. $425.


Rev. G.R. Wedgwood. THE HISTORY OF THE TEA-CUP. London: T. Woolmer, n.d. ca. late 19th cloth with gilt and black stamped front cover, spine is also elaborately decorated. covering a bit of history, tea picking, jumping to the counties of Kent, Northamptonshire and Staffordshire and their ancient histories, to the potteries, covering vernacular terminology and the social heirarchy of the pottery works- including child labor. a scarce title. in very good condition. clean, solid binding, a few spots, a small stain to the ep. bright. $350.



ELIZABETH DAVID LTD. CATALOGUE 1968-9. 20 pages. 8 1/4" x 5 7/8". grey card covers with a marmite on front and Tuscan bean pot on the back cover- an advertising for the Cookery Book Set. what to find in her shop, spoons, bowls, whisks, knives, tools for straining, sieving, chopping, slicing, mincing. Pots for boiling, stewing, braising and oven-roasting. Pans for frying and sauteing, pate moulds and terrines, mousse and aspic moulds. more, more, more. with a few inserts- a news paper clipping from La Cuisiniere on Montague Street, Worthing, dated February 1971; a card stock folded insert NOTES ON THE CARE OF COOKING EQUIPMENT n.d.; a thick paper folded instructions for THE CARE AND USE OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT dated 1982. 2 staple binding. a very good copy. $125.


THE USE OF WINE IN FINE COOKING. London: Saccone & Speed Limited, 1950. 16 page pamphlet. 4 3/4 x 6 1/2" a bright clean copy,some discoloration on the front top left, a strong binding of 2 staples. cover illustration is "From an Old French Engraving" an open larder, laden table, open drapery and hanging ham ! Commentaries by David with recipes. very scarce. $165.


THE BAKING OF AN ENGLISH LOAF. second impression. 1970. An instructional essay with a basic recipe, and recipe with variations. $25. 


SYLLABUBS AND FRUIT FOOLS.  A very good essay with historical perspectives and recipes. first impression. $95. 

Elizabeth David. A BOOK OF MEDITERRANEAN FOOD. London: John Lehmann, 1950. small 8vo. 191pp. a near perfect 1st edition copy. red and white (warp&weft)  fabric cover which has remained bright, save for a slight bit of toning at the top, brown decorative title of gilt. The jacket has the most minor-est of wear. This was E. David’s first published cookbook containing the literary references that has sent many, including me, in reading tangents. An owner’s signature on the FEP dated is1950. $1450.

--A BOOK OF MEDITERRANEAN FOOD. 7th impression, 1955. $450


Elizabeth David. FRENCH COUNTRY COOKING. London: John Lehman, 1951. 1st edition, 1st printing. clipped jacket. some areas of the back jacket missing, front chips, in a protective jacket. recipes punctuated by references from other cookbooks and from many influential writers and travelers. $450.


Elizabeth David. SUMMER COOKING. London: Museum Press, 1955. first editiion with DJ variant. Illustrations by Adrian Daintrey throughout. a spot or two or three in the test, otherwise very clean and tight and clean. lightly sunned spine. $400.

--ENGLISH BREAD AND YEAST COOKERY.  Middlesex: Penguin, 1987.c1977. a paperbound copy in VG++ shape. signed on the title page by David. see below.  $365


SIGNED on the title page--AN OMELETTE AND A GLASS OF WINE. London: Robert Hale, 1984. second printing. a very good + copy with Very good, bright  jacket. $425. 


Elizabeth David. ITALIAN FOOD. London: MacDonald, fifth impression, January 1959. as with all her books, lots of commentary and references and wonderful recipes. a small list of other recommended Italian cookbooks. this copy signed on the title page. $1500.

A Wholesale Curer of Comestibles. THE ART AND MYSTERY OF CURING, PRESERVING, AND POTTING ALL KINDS OF MEATS, GAME AND FISH; ALSO THE ART OF PICKLING….. London: Chapman and Hall, 1864. 184 pages. a very good, sound clean 1st edition. covering meats and fish, dried and smoked, potted, pickled, preserving fruits and vegetables as pickles, ketchups or jams. a scarce title. 2 book seller stamps on front paste down. Welsh Dried Salmon; Fine Dutch Salmon; Superior Kippered Salmon; Kippered Mackerel; Cape Breton, or Digby Herring; Aldborough Smoked Sprats; British Anchovies; Italian Cincerelli; Jersey Black Pudding; Potted Lobsters; Young Pig Collared; Potted Moor Game; Potted Eels; Essence of Anchovies; Tomato Catsup; Bengal Chetna, West India Preserved Green Ginger; Lemon Pickle— $325.  


Madame Roxey A. Caplin. HEALTH AND BEAUTY OR CORSETS AND CLOTHING. London: Darton and Co., [1856]. second edition. Keeping women’s bodies healthy without corsets or constrictions. The idealized natural Venus. Theories of posture and body development by Ms. Caplin. A WELL USED Kellogg Library copy. gilt decorations on deep blue textured cloth cover. illustrations. very loose cracked spine. scarce. $300.



F. Marian McNeill. THE SCOT’S KITCHEN. London: Blackie  & Sons, Limited, 1929. 1st edition. NO JACKET. 145. 


-THE BOOK OF BREAKFASTS with Menus, Recipes and Breakfast Lore. 1932. with a jacket $250. 


IONA. A HISTORY OF THE ISLAND WITH DESCRIPTIVE NOTES.  London and Glasgow: Blackie and Son LTD., 1935. c1920. a signed copy. $300. 


THE COOK AND HOUSEWIFE'S MANUAL:A PRACTICAL SYSTEM OF MODERN DOMESTIC COOKERY AND FAMILY MANAGEMENT; CONTAINING A COMPENDIUM, etc....Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1870. 1/4 leather with decorative title, plus cloth. 624 pgs. $200. 


 MRS SOMERVILLE'S COOKERY AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE LADIES OF SCOTLAND. Glasgow: G.Watson, 1862. xlviii + 14 engraved plates + 339 pages + 8 pages of publisher's advertising + 2 inserted recipes one with an address. cracked rear hinge, holding. Yellow end papers. Presumably the first, with an errata sheet. decorative 2 toned title page and decorative frontis. Anglican simplicity avoiding Gallic influence- refinement without extravagance. in the original fine weave, brown cloth binding with gilt stamped title on spine with a thistle motif. 14 pages of engravings. top spine damage with 1 1/2 " chipped away. an owner's signature on FEP appears to be Agnes Gray, 1862. $350.



Owen Simmons, F.C.S.THE BOOK OF BREAD. London: Maclaren & Sons., [1903]. 360 pps.  a thesis on British bread, South Wales, Liverpool, Belfast, Scotch, London, Brunswick, and a collection of Vienna bread supplied by a London baker. 28 illustrations, chromolithographs, gelatin silver prints and photomechanical prints. Corners rubbed, clean, unmarked. $ 900.