page 4. North, Central & South American writers



Joanne Hendricks, Cookbooks

488 Greenwich Street

New York, New York, 10013


tel & text : 212.920.9324







This is a VG collection of PETITS PROPOS CULINAIRES  1-93. Number 1 is a second impression. all are VG to As New condition.   Click the link within to have a history of the publication. $650. 

This is the last title I have available from a group of books deaccessioned from the Private Library of J.H. Kellogg.  FIRST BOOK IN THE ART OF COOKERY.

Mrs. Harriet J. Willard. Chicago: Geo.Sherwood & Company, 1886. for industrial schools and homes. 54 pages plus a collection of songs.  with library markings. book plate  of Kellogg, front paste-on and embossed stamp on the title page. $165. 




Shriner wives, plastic comb bindings, both in very good unmarked condition. $30 EA. 



Traveling back and forth over the Canadian/US border:

T.W. Pomroy. CLAIRVOYANT REMINISCENCES AND HERBAL RECIPES. NY: George Sparks, Publ., 1887. an autobiography, his healing powers, his eventual attainment of recognition by the public and finally advice for a healthy life, with herbal recipes. 

stamped decorative green cloth boards with bright gilt titles on the spine. Hinge repairs, newspaper articles remains. Otherwise clean and tight. $300.



The Ladies of Noyan, Province of Quebec, Canada. THE FAMILY COOK BOOK. Bedford: A.T. Gould, 1911. 130 pages. Includes business advertising. And recipes have contributor’s names.  cloth cover, restored endpages. Tight binding. Driver 130.  $325.


DR. A. W. Chase. DR. CHASE’S RECIPES; OR INFORMATION FOR EVERYBODY: AN INVALUABLE COLLECTION OF ABOUT EIGHT HUNDRED PRACTICAL RECIPES FOR MERCHANTS, GROCERS, SALOON-KEEPERS, PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, etc, etc. ALL ARRANGED TO THEIR APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS. Second Canadian edition. London, Ontario: E. A. Taylor Booksellers and Stationers, n.d. 1868. In a good tight binding in ¼ leather with title on spine, pebbled boards. With a previous owners Rufus Powers, Sutton Que, signature on the FEP. University of Toronto. $165.


The Ladies of Toronto and Chief Cities and Towns in Canada. THE HOME COOKBOOK. TRIED, TESTED, PROVED. Toronto: Rose Publishing Company. N.d. ca. between 1883 & 1894. A book with a very checkered and long history of printed editions, see Elizabeth Driver: A Bibliography of Canadian Cookbooks, 1825-1949, pp 322-337, with all its variants. This copy is a ‘Fiftieth Edition’ and does contain the Carrot Pudding recipe (Page 197) contributed by Mrs. McMaster, founder of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. A good clean copy, toned papers, owner sig, Louie Mayfair Toronto/82 on the FFP. $175.


RECIPE SCRAPBOOK. Guelph, Ontario. 1916. pasteovers into a Pembroke Conservatory brochure. front cover paste on decoration, date changed for booklet use, 14 pages of densely patched newspaper clippings of cooking, health remedies and household hints. $95.



upstate & down:


Gael Greene. INSATIABLE. TALES FROM A LIFE OF DELICIOUS EXCESS. NY: Warner Books, 2006. 51 essays from New York Magazine. signed by Greene, Great Sensual Adventures. $60.


Lawton Mackall. KNIFE AND FORK IN NEW YORK. NY: Robert M.McBride & Company,   1948. a stated first edition. 249 pages. all restaurants have good reviews, with an interesting guide to organizing the listings, but before cross indexing. a clean copy. $165.



THE FOOD INSECTS NEWSLETTER. 15 issues. Published at the Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin. 15 issues. each 8 pages. 4 mimeographed issues, 11 original issues. keeping the interest current, with programs, books, articles and addresses- pre-on 'line subscriptions' first volume July 1988. $150.


SIMPLE COOKING. 28 issues. Spring 1985 - Jan/Feb. 1996.   7 ‘xeroxed’ the rest original newsletter. food essays and recipes. $45. 


Thorne & Thorne. COOKBOOK. THE FOOD BOOK REVIEW FOR COOKS WHO LOVE TO READ. 15 issues. Missing #9.  1992-1994. $25.



EASY COOKING WITH GREAT CHEFS. exec. editor Daniel Boulud. 1988-1989. $20. 



THE ART OF EATING. Edward Behr, editor. quarterly letters. 1998-1994. 20 Issues. $65.





Bitting 349


Susumu Ichitaro Ohata.  COOK’S COOK BOOK. San Francisco: Hinomoto Book Company, 1912, 3/4 leather.    In Japanese with illustrations.   $250.


JOE TILDEN’S RECIPES FOR EPICURES. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 1907. a pristine little copy with the original glassine cover.  $175.


Idwal Jones, MFK Fisher, Keller, Glaser. THE ADVENTURES OF CHEF GALLOIS. Covelo, California, 2000.Limited signed copy, 213/275. slip case, fine/fine. A story by Idwal Jones , illustrations by Milton Glaser. $200.





Mary S. Scott. INDIAN CORN AS HUMAN FOOD. Nevada, Iowa: Representative Office, Payne & Son, 1889. red colored papered boards with a picture of a basket of corn and titles. small sized. duodecimo. 122 pages + 7 leaves blank. commentary and recipes. Mary was the third wife of Colonel Scott who had a storied history in the creation of that part of the US west of the Mississippi. This copy is signed 'Compliments of'.'  In poor condition. scarce




Mary (Marie) Rosicky. BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. TESTED AND PRACTICAL RECIPES FOR AMERICAN AND BOHEMIAN DISHES. Omaha: The National Printing Company, 1915. In English with Czech recipe subtitles. 306 pages + index. Rose Rosicky, Marie’s daughter, was the translator and wrote a ’few words’ in an introduction. One correction is tipped in, and one recipe was cut out. ex-lib, with pockets removed. $135.



Kate Douglas Wiggin


Kate Douglas Wiggin. DORCAS DISHES. Maine: Privately Printed, 1911. signed boldly by Wiggin, “Yours very SIncerely Kate Douglas Wiggin Better editor than cook”! on FEP. printed to “fill our treasury” for the charitable Society. a prolific writer & an educator. authored Society recipes, many of Maine seafood, many more old fashioned New England hardiness. In a final note, gathering a few flowers or if the ground is frozen, find something by the wayside to decorate the family table.  96 pages. worn edges and some toned pages, a tight binding. $100.


Robbins, Wilfred William; John Peabody Harrington; Barbara Freire-Marreco. THE ETHNOBOTANY OF THE TEWA INDIANS. Washington: Government pPrinting Office, 1916. 124 pages + folding map of the Jemez Plateau, showing topography, ruins, cliff dwellings and settlements of the Pueblo. The authors have identified the plant specimens the Tewa have used for healing and for foods, seeds, nuts, leaves, wood, juice, gum, gall balls, with annotated lists of plants and trees, indigenous and cultivated. Illustrations and photographs of plants and terrain. The authors also have listed Tewa words and pronounciation symbols and a small section on the uses for some of the gathered vegetation. Khaki colored cloth uniform to the government studies. title on spine, uniform to the series. $45.



Rodger L and Linda Welsch. CATHER’S KITCHENS. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987. start with My Antonia if you haven’t  already read Cather. Antonia’s life on the prairie— with Kolaches ! $22. 


The Ladies Auxiliary of the Homestead Welfare Club. AMANA RECIPES. Iowa, 1948. coming from Frankfurt in the early18th century, settling in Native Peoples’ land in NY state, moved next to Kansas and then Iowa into Native Peoples’ territories confiscated by the US government. a pseudo-communistic community. blue and white printed cover, DJ. German recipes from the community. $25. 


The Silver Thimble Society. HOW WE COOK IN TENNESSEE.  4th edition,1927.  Jackson (TN), MCCowat-Mercer. green cloth covers. reinforced text block, unused lined pages, clean. Bookseller stamp on front paste down: The Corner Bookshop, Eleanor Lowenstein’s shop on Fourth Ave, NYC.  $135. 

3 CHAP BOOKS. Ephemera.





3.  No.4 PPIZE (sp?) COOK BOOK PRICE 5 CENTS. 16 pages. from Bread to Baked Mutton. One staple.

SOLD AS A SET-- $365.



Della Lutes. THE COUNTRY KITCHEN. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1936. first edition. in 'as new' condition. with a bright jacket, slightly, ever so slightly darkened at the spine. $100. 


Aristene Pixley. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN COOK BOOK. Brattleboro, Stephen Daye Press, 1934. 1st ed. 90 pages+ Local advertising including George Aiken's (Putney neighbors) butternuts. a well preserved copy. With the original banner advertising the book. Vermont cuisine ! All the better if you buy your ingredients locally or get it from your garden. Simple and good. $95.

Edna Lewis and Evangeline Peterson. THE EDNA LEWIS COOKBOOK. Indianapolis, The Bobs-Merrill Company Inc.,1972. 1st printing. Hardcover with a dust jacket. The most beautiful cookbook produced in 1972.  jacket design in her yellow kitchen,  seasonal menus with instructions. The first book of recipes written by Ms. Lewis. $500.


THE PICAYUNE CREOLE COOK BOOK.  New Orleans, 1906. third edition. contemporary blue cloth with stamped title, front and spine. 418pp. small paste –on -bound by T. Fitzwilliam & Co., New Orleans. SOUPES, GUMBOS, RAGOUTS, ENTREMENTS, HORS D’OEUVRES, JAMBALAYS, AND DESSERTS, and the first recipe is for the famous CAFÉ A LA CRÉOLE, all of Chapter 1. a very good unmarked  (unused?) copy, light edge stain, cracked hinges front and back –holding. rare early edition, first published in 1900.     $400.


Celestine Eustis. LA CUISINE CREOLE A L’USAGE DES PETITS MENAGES. New York:  R. H. Russell, 1904.second printing 118+ pages. with tissue guards with music many of the cries of the vendors. clean, bright pages,. first part in English, page 83-113 in French. $95.



Andrew Fuller. THE ILLUSTRATED STRAWBERRY CULTURIST. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1915, c1887. 12mo. 59pp. + Judd advertising. containing the history, sexuality, field and garden culture of strawberries, forcing or pot culture, how to grow from seed, hybridizing and all other information necessary to enable everybody to raise their own strawberries; together with a description of new varieties and a list of the best of the old sorts. stamped title on front green cloth cover. a bright, clean copy. $60.


Joseph J. White. CRANBERRY CULTURE. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1909. c1885. new and enlarged edition. 12mo. 131pp + Judd advertising. illustrated. Orange Judd published books on Agriculture in the late 19th and early 20th century. this title covers the early natural history and the cultivation of the cranberry with 4 recipes for using cranberries for household use. a nice bright copy with green cloth cover and decorated gilt title on spine. $125.


William Falconer. MUSHROOMS: HOW TO GROW THEM. New York: Orange Judd Co., 1910 c. 1891. 12mo. 169pp. A practical treatise on Mushroom culture for profit and pleasure. illustrated. blind stamped and gilt cover and spine design. a very nice copy. $75.


J.M. Trowbridge. THE COMPLETE CIDER MAKERS’ HAND BOOK. New York: Orange Judd Co., 1901. c. 1890. 119 pages + publishers advertising. a complete guide for making and keeping pure cider. illustrated with press machinery, industrial and home and with filtering racks and cloths, with terminology defined and instructions. gilt decorative title on spine on a blind stamped brown cloth cover. uniform to the other Judd publications. a nice copy. $150.


B. Eastwood. THE CRANBERRY AND ITS CULTURE. NY: C.M. Saxton & Co., 1856. 1st book published on Cranberries. 13 chapters covering the natural history, proper locations for plantings, diseases, blossoming times, the markets. illustrated with a decorative title page and 9 additional plates. brown blind stamped cloth cover with a decorative gilt title on the spine. $225.


Peter Henderson. GARDENING FOR PROFIT; A GUIDE TO THE SUCCESSFUL CULTIVATION OF THE MARKET AND FAMILY GARDEN. New York: Orange Judd & Company, 1867. 1st ed. 12mo. 243pp + publisher’s advertising. green cloth with gilt title on spine with a stamped cabbage motif on front cover. dealing with the garden and planning with chapter 17 covering the descriptions of vegetables and their varieties and the cultivation of them, illustrated throughout. $75.


Robert Buist. THE FAMILY KITCHEN GARDENER, CONTAINING PLAIN AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE DIFFERENT SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF CULINARY VEGETABLES; WITH......New York: A.O. Moore, Agricultural Book Publisher, 1858. illustrated with 25 engravings. Toning to the pages but a very nice copy gilt decorative front cover. $250.



Henriette Davidis. PRAKTISCHES KOCHBUCH FUR DIE DEUTSCHEN IN AMERIKA. Milwaukee: George Brumder’s Verlag, 1899. green decorative covers, 646 pages. some illustrations, black and white. in German. Milwaukee had a large German population at the turn of the 20th century. A popular, all purpose cookbook having many editions with many book designs. first published in 1845. Wiki states that this cookbook became very popular and sold well  but that Henriette was not able to assert control over her work. This is a crisp copy. $75.

John McPhee. ORANGES. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967. a pristine copy in a protective dust wrapper sleeve. $135.



--THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FOOD. New York: Artemas Ward, 1923. a very good copy in grey/green cloth cover. a very good copy. $175.



MFK Fisher

SERVE IT FORTH. New York & London: Harpers & Brothers, Publishers, 1937. second edition stated. a bright jacket, with some chipping, cream colored end pages. bright and clean. $250. 

another copy: First edition, with DJ. a bright jacket , a bit worn, salmon colored end pages. $400. 


THE GASTRONOMICAL ME. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1943. second printing, black cloth covered boards. A bright clean copy. $250. 


HOW TO COOK A WOLF. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1942, Fourth printing, 1942. $225. 

another copy: Cleveland & New York: The World Publishing Edition, September, 1944. first  Forum edition. $225. 

THE ART OF EATING. NewYork: The World Publishing, 1954. 5 of her books in this collection, Serve It Forth, Consider the Oyster, How to Cook a Wolf, The Gastronomical Me &  An Alohabet for Gourmets. With a bright jacket with a number of scuffs. 


HERE LET US FEAST A BOOK OF BANQUETS. NY: The Viking Press, 1946. an anthology of essays by other writers. dj. $100.


NOT NOW BUT NOW. NY The Viking Press, 1947. Dj. Fiction. $110.


WITH BOLD KNIFE AND FORK. NY: Putnam's Sons, 1969. lots of essays with recipes. a bright copy. $75.


THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE.  NY: The Heritage Press, 1949. Illustrations by Sylvan Sauvage. In the slipcase, with original mylar, all in vg +++. With the monthly newsletter issued.  $150.


AS THEY WERE. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982. dj .$90.


-SISTER AGE. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. 1st ed. 15 essays. nearly new. SIGNED MFK Fisher Glen Allen 1983 on FEP. $250.


LONG AGO IN FRANCE. THE YEARS IN DIJON. NY: The Prentiss Hall Press, 1991. dj. $40.


CONVERSATIONS WITH MFK FISHER. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1992. A selection of interviews with writers and journalists. $80.


STAY ME, OH COMFORT ME, JOURNALS AND STORIES, 1933-1941. NY: Pantheon Books, 1993. first edition, dj. $20.


M.F.K. FISHER A LIFE IN LETTERS CORRRESPONDENCE 1929-1991. Washington: Counterpoint, 1997. as new. hard cover. $35.


M.F.K. Fisher signed postcard. dated August, 1986. $65. 





1 mimeographed page from ECOLE DES 3 GOURMANDES. The cooking school started by Child, Beck and Bertholle in Paris in the 1950's. Stamped twice with the ever so familiar design Julia wore as an embroidered patch pinned to her shirt in her PBS TV show, The French Chef. Some wear. $1500. 



The knife article:  HARPER'S MAGAZINE, CRUSADE RESUMED. November, 1951. Bernard DeVoto wrote the 'knife' article, read by Julia Child, when she and Paul were in France, wrote to DeVoto whose wife Avis wrote back to Julia, and so the story goes, was the long 'fruitful' friendship and spark to Mastering the Art, published by Knopf in 1961. $45.


A small piece of the larger Mastering the Art of French Cooking puzzle. Louisette Bertholle is credited with this 1955 British edition, the American edition was published in 1952, though Simone Beck and Helmut Ripperger are credited inside on the back of the half-title page. Culled from more than 600 recipes submitted, this is 58 pages and just over 65 recipes. Mastering the Art was published 6 years later, with Bertholle, Beck and Child as the authors.

Louisette Bertholle, Simone Beck, Helmut Ripperger. WHAT'S COOKING IN FRANCE. NY: Ives Washburn, 1952. spiral bound, 63 pages. $95.

another copy: Louisette Bertholle. WHAT'S COOKING IN FRANCE. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1955. A lively introduction to the delights and simplicity of French cooking. Red, white and blue stiff paper covers, spiral bound, crisp though lightly toned inside, bumped corners. Illustrations by Otto Fried. $95.


DQ 104. Stumpf and Polites. Walker Art Center ( Minneapolis), 1977. Photographs by Dick Swift. 40 pages + subscription reply page + folded poster. + kitchen history commentary and thoughts about the Cambridge kitchen, now a permanent exhibit in the Smithsonian Museum. A TREASURE.   $325.


MASTERING THE ART -have a few  early volumes available with blue endpages and dust jackets. 



Mme.  Calderon de la Barca. LIFE IN MEXICO. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1843. In two volumes.   in 3/4 leather, marbled boards. tooled gilt titles on the spine. An entertaining journal of letters describing, travel, food, people and personalities, clothing and jewelry (pearls and diamonds) & political uprisings, fragrant flowers- mostly everywhere, architecture, bandits mostly everywhere and observations of her everyday life and of others whose lives were less fortunate. 

This is a page (below) from Vol 2 of her visit to the convent  La Encarnacion.

 In the endpages of volume 2 are five journalist’s articles reviewing the 20th century travelogue of the British author Sybille Bedford  THE SUDDEN VIEW A MEXICAN JOURNEY, 1953, first edition. Bedford, it says, was influenced by de la Barca’s letters and she mentions de la Barca's influence in her own travels.  Listed here with a dust jacket. Rare, both titles, especially with the clippings.

Sold together— $600. 



Mitzi Wagner. COCINA VEGETARIANA. MEXICO, 1933. second printing. 20 pages + wraps a very good , unused copy. toned paper. 2 stapled binding. 90 recipes. in Spanish. $100.



Rosa Hilda Zell. ARROZ CON MANGO. Havana, Havana: Printed Ramallo, 1952).

Gleaned from the internet: Rosa Hilda Zell was a journalist in Cuba. wrote essays for the popular journal Bohemia—and was able to mix her recipes with astute & engaging journalism of island politics. The author of the internet page said it was a much anticipated part of the journal—her writing brought wisdom and comfort to people during trying times.  The title of the recipe book literally translates as a sticky mess- Adriana Loredo (Rosa Hilda Zell) 1910-1971. $350. 


Sylvain Claudius Goy. LA CUISINE ANGLO-AMERICAINE [ et ] LA CUISINE DE L'AMERIQUE CENTRALE. NY: Weiss and Company, 1915. 1st edition. 489 pages, brown cloth boards. in very good condition. L.O.C. on line digital library. Bitting 197. in NYPL. not in Cagle. more French inspired Creole, using America’s ingredients. with comments on ‘Curiosities Culinaires Americaines’— Le Clambake, Le Burgoo et Le Barbecue, recipes for American fish and wild American ducks—a section on the cooking of Cuba, some boissons. $325.



Vicenta T. de Rubio. MANUAL DE COCINA MICHOACANA. Zamora: Imprenta Moderna, 1896. 796 pages + xxxii of home remedies and after thought recipes, 8vo. 1/4 leather, gilt title and bands on spine. pebbled dark cloth over boards in worn condition, a sound binding,  fep and ep missing, all plates and pages intact. several mementos from a previous owner. last on market auction in 2013 ( Dorothy Sloan, Austin, Texas) in several university libraries, the Schlesinger, UCSD, Los Angeles Public Library & Uni. New Mexico. not in Cagle. 

from the UTSA, (University of Texas at San Antonio) Blog about the special collections: Manual de Cocina Michoacana, (1896) by Vicenta Torres de Rubio.  Published in Zamora, Michoacán, this cookbook is the first regional cookbook written by a woman in Mexico, and possibly the first regional cookbook to be published in Mexico.  It began with local recipes contributed to Vicenta Torres de Rubio by women within the state, but then expanded to include recipes submitted by cooks across the country [1], leading to a collection of hundreds of traditional recipes, including moles, chlemole, pipian, guisos, tortas, and numerous salsas. A glossary of terms and definitions is also included.

[1] Pilcher Jeffrey Pilcher, Que Vivan los Tamales!: Food and the Making  of Mexican Identity(Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998), 67.

a scarce copy. 

reference to Rubio in: Mexico's Original Celebrity Chef | SAVEUR, Mar 31, 2016,josefina-velasquez-de-leon.


in the schlesinger, UCSD, Los Angeles Public Library, Uni.New Mexico,


This copy offered $2500.



Josefina Velazquez de Leon. MEXICAN COOK BOOK FOR AMERICAN HOMES.  Mexico City: 1956. a very good, bright copy. toned paper, tight binding, wraps with edgewear. in English and Spanish.sold



Louisa Rodriguez Garza and others. NUESTRA COCINA MEXICANA. n.d ca 1960’s. recipes from the Carmarca Lagunera region of Mexico. 242 pages with a flexible cover. coving all aspects of meal preparation. some advertising could be a charitable cookbook.  $60.



EL COCINERO PRACTICO CHILENO. Santiago: Imprenta Gutenberg n.d. 1920-30’s. well worn, loose binding. 251 toned pages. pictorial boards. $90.



G. Richard Garrison and George W, Rustay.  MEXICAN HOUSES A BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEASURED DRAWINGS. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1930. 1st edition. folio. with a bright jacket that has some tears and chips. 197 pages.  printed inside covers. photographs of courtyards, balustrades, kitchens, windows, roofs, doors and floors, etc. A beautifully designed documentation of a few houses in Mexico. Bright jacket /VG+  Signed by Garrison.  $500. 


Natalie V. Scott. YOUR MEXICAN KITCHEN. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1935. A Compilation  of Mexican Recipes Practicable in the United States. forward by William Spratling. dedicated to Maria Luisa, Scott’s little maid who brightens her Mexican Kitchen. A very fine, unused 1st edition with a rare bright  dust jacket that has a few little edge tears.  $300. 


Frances Toor. Guide to Mexico. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, 1936. 1st American edition. with a bright  jacket, maps and photographs. $145.



Alma Lobo Aragon. LAS MEJORES RECETAS DE LAS COCINAS MEXICANA ESPANOLA Y FRANCESA. Mexico, D.F., 1975. Paper wraps. 157 pages. toned paper, near as new. $50.


Natalie Scott. MEXICAN COOK-BOOK. Mexico: Godinez, 1953. 3rd edition. a signed copy, buen provecho Natalie Scott. decorated & stamped cloth covers-- a bit soiled, clean and tight interior with more illustrations. 88 pages. decorations by Enrique Alvarez. a charming cook book ! $250.

--another copy. 1955. 4th printing. with a dust jacket, in VG/VG. $175. 


Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. COCINA CRIOLLA. Boston: The Alpine Press, 1964.c 1962. Eighth printing. 469 pages. in  VG/VG   in Spanish $75.


Rosa  Marquesa de Castellar. MY STOVE IS MY CASTLE. Mexico, 1956. Her collection of recipes. A charming book, nicely designed. a signed, inscribed copy. $125.


Alice Erie Young and Patricia Peters Stephenson. DISCOVERING MEXICAN COOKING. San Antonio: The Naylor Company, 1958. Third edition. 61 pages + pages of 2 notes with recipes. Otherwise a carefully kept copy with a dj. $60.


Diana Kennedy. THE CUISINES OF MEXICO. NY: Harper and Row Publishers, 1972. Edition not stated. A fine clean copy in a very good clean jacket. the best. $95.


Mexico, Centro Benefico de Mayorazgo.

PUEBLA Y SU COCINA. 1983. c1971. third edition. dj photograph of a tiled kitchen with pottery bowls. Kitchen prayer of San Pascualito with a full page portrait of the saint  by Srita Cristina Pardo. 357 pages of recipes contributed by residents of the Mayorazgo community. Well preserved copy. In Spanish. limited to 2000 unnumbered copies. $225.


Diana Kennedy. THE TORTILLA BOOK. NY: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1975, first edition stated. buen provecho Diana Kennedy signed copy. a clean bright copy, with a touch of jacket wear. $200.


Marithe de Alvarado. ARTE MEXICANO DEL AZUCAR. Campania Editorial Continental, 1978. c.1959. 728 pages. in Spanish, covering all aspects of baking— ingredients to decorations. profusely illustrated. $165.


Salazar Montroy. LA TIPICA COCINA POBLANA Y LOS GUISOS DE SUS RELIGIOSAS.    Puebla: 1945. 48 pages + 24 pages of advertising.
[The typical poblano cuisine is characterized by its tiles, for its semi-circular and  circular braziers, for their round or square burners with andirons, for their grinding stones and bowls granite stone for their pot-bellied clay pots with glazed rim for turkey mole, by its whorls for soups, for its large clay pots for cooking tasty tamales and atole or champurrados, and for refreshments horchata, by iron grills to forge roasting meats. The recipes were taken from old journals and notes from religious orders preserved in their monasteries and convents. Old measures were modernized. $95.


Laura Esquivel. LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE. NY: Bantam Doubleday, 1992. Paperback, first edition stated. Signed and dated on the half title page. As new. Translated in 1992.  c.1989. monthly installments of love and recipes and lots of tears—read the book, forget about the movie. $145.


Erna Fergusson. MEXICAN COOKBOOK. Santa Fe: The Rydal Press, 1934. first. stencil illustrations by Valentin Vidaurreta. 119 pages. another very pretty little Mexican cookery book. in English. with recipes and menus, index. a very bright copy. $200.


Robert Coote. BALL ROOM DANCING WITHOUT A MASTER. FOR HOME PRACTICE. WITH ILLUSTRATED FIGURES AND DIAGRAMS. London: Reynolds & Co.,n.d. ca 1870. new edition. by Robert Coote, Professor and Teacher of Dancing and Deportment. 63 pages of instruction + adv. small 32mo. maroon stiff paper covers with gilt titles andedges. sewn binding, strong and clean but with a bit of wear. a priceless little treasure for slipping into your pocket for a quick reference. in the collection at Harvard and in Stanford's extensive collection on dance.     $350.


“Dance one or two evenings a week.”

Professor A.C. Wirth. COMPLETE QUADRILLE CALL BOOK AND DANCING MASTER. Chicago: Frederick Drake & Co., 1902. 148 pp. stamped decorated cloth cover. if you can follow directions..... actually a reference for those who are having instruction on the dances. $60.


Two Amateur Leaders. THE GERMAN HOW TO GIVE IT. HOW TO LEAD IT HOW TO DANCE IT. Chicago: A.C. McClure & Co., 1890 c.1878. 132pp. the dances also known as The Cotillion. the etiquette: from the invitations to the favors. some pencil marginalia x’s. dark green cloth with gilt titles. descriptions of figures or that which will be danced, from the simple to those  with ’properties’- $50.


Thomas Hillgrove. THE COMPLETE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE ART OF DANCING. NY: DICK & FITZGERALD, 1869. C.1863. illustrations throughout of dancers and of foot  positions. This publisher also produced many, many how to’s parlor games, speeches, letter writing and gender specific titles such as the popular drink manuals for men. last 2 pages missing which would have been the solid yellow last page and a page of titles from the publisher. dark green cloth with decorative gilt title on front and spine. $100.

OF SHAKER INTEREST:  Critical of their clothes.

A 2 page handwritten letter by C. J. Cowles of Charlottesville N.C., who is a cousin of Livinia Andrews of New Britain, Ct.  C.J. is disappointed that Livinia wasn’t able to join her for the meeting in Shaker Village, known also as Watervliet (NY)  
But the letter gives a interesting description of what she saw and her impression of the Shaker ladies’ dresses. “ I am spending the day with the Shakers- attended their meeting which was thronged today & felt that you would have enjoyed the scene exceedingly. We had dozens of mediums  The Sisters looked rather grotesque in their plain white hoopless habits — all were dressed alike— all wore white muslin crepes— the skirt pleated back from the front— broad pleat front & their narrow ones not unlike a shirt bosom on a large scale— with kerchiefs laid smooth across the shoulder— folded from corner to corner…”  continuing with their pale countenance and also the dress of the men.

Dated August 9 1857.  The letter was dispatched from Albany as a ‘free’ letter meaning the postage was paid by C.J. and the carrier would not need to collect a stamp fee from Lavinia.  $300.

Here are some other cookbooks titles from Smith College scholars. (Julia Child is most notable; Charlotte Turgeon was the American editor of the Larousse Gastronomique)  Ruth Chier Rosen wrote this uniform series  --- from a Google search    “Each book, starting with The Epicurean Guide and finishing with Fondue is Beautiful, speaks to a chapter in my life. Perhaps the best way to tell my story is to share details and memories of each book, each chapter of my pursuit in the Culinary Arts."    all copies have a cardboard sleeve issued with each title. light wear. each $30.